IBSimu internal

Last updated: 2021-06-27

I am currently working with the IBSimu (Ion Beam Simulation) library. It is an impressive library capable of simulating the behavior of an ion beam. Here is what I learned about its internal structure, and some useful snippets of code. It is a work-in-progress.

I wrote a step-by-step guide to instantiate an instance of Amazon EC2 and install the library. I use it every time I have to start a simulation.

The internal sructure of IBSimu [it’s a work-in-progress] is:

Internal class diagram of IBSimu – the LaTex source file used to generate it is on GitHub: https://github.com/dgasparri/IBSimu_Client/blob/master/user_manual/ibsimu-class-diagram.tex

To create/export an image of the geometry and the beam:

You might also want to check the manual for the IBSimu client, with some further data on IBSimu structure. The LaTex source is also on GitHub.