Duccio Marco Gasparri

Computer programming

I am a C++ and LabView certified programmer, and I do most of my programming in Python, C++ and Matlab. Here is a selection of the most popular posts I wrote on C++:

I started adopting the functional programming paradigm a few years ago, and I posted an example of how a snipped of Python code could be refactored adopting a functional programming way of thinking.

I am contributing to some open source project, and I wrote notes on the internal structure and reverse engineering of those projects:

Since a few years I started keeping a list of all the libraries and software that I used/am using. Some of them are a constant in m life, but many others are just use-and-dispose kinda thing.

I keep also notes about the new features of C++ and of some of the most syntactically memory-unfriendly Git commands.

Here are some old posts on computer programming I wrote many years ago.

This website is created using the Hugo static site generator, and I am publishing some notes about the choices I made.


I started blogging in 2009, many posts are outdated or do not represent my view anymore. I collected them in a legacy/miscellaneous category.

I love to scuba dive, and I collect some of my experiences here.